The Erasmus Library contains approximately 5,000 items on a variety of theological and spiritual topics for Catholics of all ages. All parish members are encouraged to stop by the library (close to Friends & Family Hall) to browse and check out books and DVDs.
The Erasmus Library requires many volunteers to help it to function. Please complete this form if you wish to help. To contribute to maintaining, cataloguing, or extending our collection, contact Bridget Ryan or the the Parish Office at 919-942-1040.
Open TimesParishioners must sign up for a library card prior to borrowing books. We would prefer that you use our online form or contact Bridget Ryan to request that an account be created and a card left for you at the reception desk prior to your visit to the library. However, we realize a visit to the library may be a spur-of-the-moment idea. Therefore, we provide a checkout log next to the computer where you can record your contact info and the info about anything you take so that volunteers can create an account for you and check out your items.